Recently, M&M'S announced a redesign as part of the brand's effort to "create a world where everyone feels they belong." The redesign will center on the brand's CGI M&M'S mascots, such as the well-known Red and Yellow M&M'S characters.

While various loveable characters were tweaked, such as the Red M&M being made nicer, the internet primarily focused on the adaptations of the Green and Orange M&M'S characters.

The Green M&M, who famously donned go-go boots and thick lashes, has changed in appearance and will now play the role of a confident "hype woman" who traded her high heel boots for sneakers. Meanwhile, the Orange M&M character—always portrayed as somewhat neurotic since his recent introduction—now has a personality centered around his anxiety.

With the news of these changes, Twitter users soon began doing what they do best —cutting up.

In the case of the Green M&M'S character, Twitter was collectively devastated over her change in appearance.

Some outright sought to have her redesign nullified.

Meanwhile, others gave alternative design suggestions.

Some users also jokingly suggested that the character may have undergone other alterations, such as her "lip filler" being "dissolved."

Others brought up the "Euphoria High School" trend by joking that the Green M&M had gotten herself expelled from the fictional academy.

As for the Orange M&M'S redesign, Twitter users were a bit more supportive of the cautious piece of chocolate.

Others speculated about the cause of Orange M&M'S anxiety.

Ultimately, many saw the Orange M&M'S character as an inspiration for living his best life despite his anxiousness.

What do you think of the M&M's character's redesign?