A toddler found her favorite portrait coming to life this week when she met former FLOTUS Michelle Obama.

It all began when while visiting the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C., 2-year-old Parker was awestruck when she saw the new official portrait of the former first lady.

A photo of Parker gazing at the artwork went viral and made its way all the way to Michelle Obama's eyes. Obama not only loved the photo, but went above and beyond and actually met — and danced! — with Parker this week. 

In a tweet Obama wrote, "Parker, I'm so glad I had the chance to meet you today (and for the dance party)! Keep on dreaming big for yourself … and maybe one day I'll proudly look up at a portrait of you!"

The official portrait of Obama was recently unveiled to great fanfare; it was painted by Baltimore-based artist Amy Sherald. At the unveiling, former President Obama thanked Sherald for capturing "the grace and beauty and intelligence and charm and hotness of the woman that I love.”

For her part, Parker's mom said she is grateful for the painting and hopes it inspire Parker to dream big. 

"In further discussion with [Parker] yesterday and today, I realized that she believes Michelle Obama is a queen, and she wants to be a queen as well," Parker's mom said. "As a female and as a girl of color, It's really important that I show her people who look like her that are doing amazing things and are making history so that she knows she can do it."