India.Arie is defending Chrisette Michele's decision to perform at the inauguration of Donald Trump. She explained in an open letter on TwitLonger.

Although stating that she would have "never" performed there "for any price, under any circumstance," she says she agrees with her having the choice and says Chrisette shouldn't be "shouted down or abused" for it. 

The letter reads, "Which is how I SEE this thing with Chrisette – a misstep. I think there is a deeper reason she decided to be there – and I think it was a career misstep. Wanna be “WOKE”  respect your fellow HUMAN beings.  You NEVER know another persons whole story, we all deserve our journey without being abused by strangers for it. Thats BULLSHIT. 
You want to be “WOKE” remember, that YOU comprise the world you live in, and the most IMPORTANT thing you can do for the world, is be YOUR BEST.

She continues that she doesn't mean that we can't disagree with Chrisette, but how we disagree. "
I’m not saying we shouldn’t say ANYTHING! I AM SAYING, LET LOOK AT HOW WE ARE SAYING WHAT WE SAY.  Why the abuse? and the “Canceling Chrisette Michele in 2017?” and all of that? come on guys. " 

You can read the full letter on TwitLonger.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with India.Arie or are you still like nah? Comment below.