When you think of some of the more memorable debates on Black Twitter, you might have a few in mind that you wish would go away. However, many Black Twitter debates have set the bar and influenced other discussions on social media sites.
With that being said, many debates seriously need to be retired. Whether the dispute is over dinner with JAY-Z or flats are better than drums, these discussions have run their course.
Here are 10 Black Twitter debates that we need to retire and exit stage left, respectfully.
Dinner with JAY-Z or $100K?
The debate over choosing a dinner meeting with JAY-Z over $100K is one of the biggest debates on Black Twitter. While some would like to walk away with a $100K check, most believe meeting with JAY Z would be more fruitful and lead to more opportunities. However, this debate needs to be put to rest; which would you choose, a dinner with JAY-Z or a single check of $100K?
Should white people use the N-word when singing rap songs?
Should white people say the N-word when singing along to rap songs? The short answer is no. This debate has been in rotation for years, and it trends every time; a viral video of a white person at a concert is seen singing the N-word verbatim in songs. One way to solve this problem is to let your white friends know it is not cool.
Drums vs. Flats
Drums v. Flats is another one of those debates that never gets old but is old. For as long as we can remember, whether drums or flats are better parts of a chicken wing has been a question. So whether you believe flats are meatier or drums have better-tasting meat (their words), we must all conclude that it comes from the same chicken.
Cardi B v. Nicki Minaj
The Cardi B v. Nicki Minaj debate is one for the ages. When the Barbz and Bardi Gang gets into one of their infamous debates, we all sit back and watch. However, this debate should be put to bed, as both artists have shown that they can carry their weight, respectfully, on the charts.
Pop v. Soda
It all depends on where you are from in the United States regarding Pop vs. Soda. The term “soda” is used in all New York except the western, the Upper South and Mid-Atlantic states and most of Florida, California and pockets in the Midwest around Milwaukee and St. Louis. Meanwhile, most Midwest and Westerners calls it “Pop.” Whether we say “Soda” or “Pop,” we can all agree that we do not call it “Coke.” No shade.
Expensive First Dates
Let’s send this debate to the pasture and let it rest. Black Twitter loves to bring up this subject each time a video about a first date goes viral. How much should be spent on a date? When paying for a date, who should pay, and the couple should split the cost. Since everyone has different opinions on this topic, this debate will never have a single answer.
Light Skin v. Dark Skin
This debate will always be a touchy subject for most Black people, specifically women, and it is not to be taken lightly. However, while it will remain to be one of the more complicated discussions, it is time that we let this topic rest—at least on Twitter.
Who Eats First?
Who eats first between your husband, mother, children, or yourself? Who will you serve the first plate to at a BBQ or a family dinner? This topic has been around on Twitter, probably since the birth of Black Twitter, and it will always remain one of those you have to agree to disagree with. But remember, if you don’t make your man’s plate first, cousin Faith will.
Separating the Artist from Art
When you think of separating an artist from their art, who is the first person that comes to mind? Of course, you probably thought of Kanye. And this debate will always live on and on on the Black side of Twitter whenever a Black artist does or says something questionable. Ultimately, whether an artist’s personal life and choices outshine their artistry will always be a question.
Natural Hair v Hair Extensions
As we conclude this list of Black Twitter debates that need to be retired, we saved the most important one for last. The discussion of natural hair versus hair extensions can be tiresome and aggravating, mainly when workplace discrimination and other factors occur. However, black men have spoken out on the matter, sharing their preferences and why they prefer one over the other. For Black women, our hair is our crown; we style it, love it, and admire it and other women’s, too. Therefore, it shouldn’t discuss how women choose to wear their hair; it should be respected.
There have been so many memorable moments on Twitter, thanks to Black Twitter. Several of the memories were pleasant, but many were not. And while some of those memories have birthed creative ideas and influencers. But, despite that, many of those moments have been brought to light by the debates. And a lot of these debates are old and ineffective. As much as we like to express our different opinions on this social media platform, it is becoming a broken record.
So, hopefully, some of these debates named in this list will be retired or, at the very least, not so quick to be in the rotation.