A group of Native American women took a trip to the nation's capital to attend Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh's hearing, but not without encountering white rage.

In a video tweeted via @nowthisnews on Monday, conservative radio host, Alex Jones, is seen dramatically (and very disrespectfully) yelling at the native women protesting Kavanaugh's nomination. The women wish to remain anonymous.

Apple, Google, Facebook and Spotify have all banned Jones' conservative website, Infowars, as it, according to New York Times has been a "leading peddler of false information online." The determined women reportedly shed light on Jones' recent ban from social media platforms, which pretty much pushed his buttons and led him to go on a rant.

Outside of Kavanaugh's hearing, Jones repeatedly yelled "Brown KKK go away! Brown KKK go away!" to the women who were exercising their American right to simply be present.

"You're a colonizer," one of the protestors said to Jones. 

Y'all know how colonizers feel about the the "c" word.

"You're a racist! You came across the Bering Strait, and then all the Native Americans did was kill each other for thousands of years," Jones snapped back.

"If America is so bad, why does everybody wanna come here?" Jones kept going. "Why don't you go to Venezuela with nothing but wonderful indigenous people."

Wow. Racist, much?

"Pilgrim" one of the protestors responded. 

The ladies were not letting up on Jones, and probably never will.

Watch below: 

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